Welcome to St. Paul’s Catholic Elementary School. It is an honour and a privilege to serve as the principal of such a vibrant school and community. As a staff, we cherish the opportunity to educate your children. It is important to us at St. Paul’s that we help children to fully develop in all areas; faith, academic, social-emotional, artistic, and athletic. As such, we offer many extracurricular opportunities for our students to become involved in the life of the school. We hope they will partake of these opportunities.
Thank you for choosing St. Paul’s as a part of your child’s academic and faith journey. We will work diligently to live up to your expectations. We look forward to working with you to create the leaders of tomorrow.
God Bless you and your families. Thank you for your continued support of Catholic Education.
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission is to assist all members of our school community to exemplify Christian principles while interacting with others and to nurture the values that grow from our Catholic faith.
Our school community will strive to provide a caring and sharing learning environment in which the uniqueness and dignity of every individual is respected and valued, as each of us continue to become self-motivated self-directed problem-solvers.
All members of our community are partners in developing a co-operative approach to learning that encourages personal growth and development – spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally.
We are committed to ensuring that all learners will derive a positive sense of self-worth and confidence from their experiences at St. Paul’s Separate School.
Our Church
St. Paul's School is connected to St. Paul's The Apostle Church which is located at 190 King St., Alliston. We thank Father Glass as he tirelessly supports our school community. You can contact Father Glass by calling 705-435-6325.
Measures of Student Achievement and Success - EQAO results
In order to find out how we have done on our Gr. 3 and Gr. 6 EQAO assessments, please click on the following link. EQAO Site
Safe Schools Initiatives – Behaviour/Anti-Bullying
We have our general Code of Conduct printed in all of our students agendas. We have developed a model of Progressive Discipline in which we clearly show our students that action plan to address behavioural concerns.
Furthermore, we also have an Anti-Bullying program. Students have been educated on Bullying language and why they need to report incidents of bullying when they occur. We have introduced Bullying to our students as an avenue to confidentially report what we see or experience themselves.
School Improvement Plan Initiatives
This year we are focusing on effective communication between home and school, consistency with school discipline and continued support with reading, writing and math.
K. Young